

The past couple of weeks and unknown periods of time ahead of us have stressful for just about everyone on this planet. Many individuals are experiencing quarantine, financial hardship, and complete changes to typical life. However, even in these difficult times, it is important to focus on daily routines and practicing self-care.  If you wish to keep your skin glowing and healthy, here are 6 skincare and self-care tips to deal with the uncertainty during the COVID-19 outbreak.

  1. Stay Hydrated
    Even if inside all day it is vital to keep hydrated and focus on drinking enough water to keep the body functioning properly. Aim to get 8 glasses of water or 2 liters of water per day.
  1. Avoid Alcohol
    While it may be tempting to grab a glass of wine or can of beer, avoiding excessive alcohol will help your mental and physical health. Alcohol is a depressant and is linked to immediate breakouts along with long-term aging effects. Keep to the recommended alcohol limits to protect your skin and mind.
  1. Eat Well
    Going to the shops has now become quite an experience for us all. The big shops have put rations on most foods, particularly canned tomatoes and frozen vegetables. Also, toilet paper is running out. Luckily, fresh fruit and vegetables are still easy to get. Focus on filling your shopping cart and fridge with fresh and healthy options. Now that you may have more time, why not use it to craft elaborate and nutrient filled meals? Use this time to expand your cooking skills and incorporate foods to boost your skin. Some of these foods include green vegetables, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, and fatty fish! Try to avoid processed foods, high sugar foods, and dairy to keep your skin clear.
  1. Stay Active
    We may not be allowed to leave the home, but thanks to the power of the internet we still have access to an abundant selection of at-home fitness videos. In response to the crisis, gyms are offering free online classes. YouTube creators are constantly producing new content for yoga, yogalates, and other workouts. Incorporate one of these videos into your everyday routine to provide improved blood flow and overall health. Not only does this impact your skin health, but you will also feel calmer and happier.
  1. Avoid Touching your face
    Never has it been quite as important to get out of the habit of touching your face. You should avoid touching your face to avoid the transferal of harmful bacteria and the COVID-19 virus. Touching your face also contributes to breakouts and clogging of pores. The dirt, oils, and grime from your hands can easily lodge itself in your sensitive skin and cause outbreaks and acne. So, for health and beauty, wash those hands!
  1. Stay Connected
    Remember you are not alone. Join the WonderHUB for a wonderful and supportive online community of people dedicated to beauty and wellness.WonderHUB