PicoWay® Skin Rejuvenation LASER Treatment


PicoWay® is an advanced FDA-cleared laser solution for the treatment of acne scars, wrinkles and fine lines, pigmentation and even hard-to-treat melasma.


Restore your skin from the inside out with a PicoWay® skin rejuvenation treatment

Millions of people each year seek treatment for signs of ageing and skin irregularities such as acne scarring. Many of these skin imperfections result from a loss of collagen and elastin in the skin.

PicoWay Resolve is a fractional, non-invasive, needle free treatment that reaches below the surface of the skin to stimulate production of collagen and elastin without breaking the outermost layer of the skin.
In clinical studies, 94% of treated areas improved and patients were highly satisfied with results.

Clinical Results

Images supplied by PicoWay user. All photos are unretouched. Individual results may vary.

How PicoWay treatments work?

Laser light is targeted at unwanted pigment in ultrashort picosecond pulses. These pulses shatter the pigment into very tiny particles which are then easily eliminated by the body’s natural processes. The PicoWay laser emits less heat energy than traditional lasers providing a safer, more comfortable treatment with fewer side effects.

ResolveTM by PicoWay is the latest facial rejuvenation breakthrough technology now available at Eden Laser Clinics to help you maintain your youthful looks, slow the appearance of the signs of aging and even reverse some signs of ageing.

Our clients demand device procedures that make you feel and look natural, therefore we use Resolve™ Picosecond Holographic Fractional technology. The procedure is also known as facial resurfacing.

PicoWay – the complete solution for tattoo removal, pigmentation, skin irregularities and signs of ageing.


How many treatments will I need?

For some conditions, results with PicoWay are visible after the first treatment. With others, a series of 3 to 6 treatments may be needed.

Is PicoWay safe?

Side effects with PicoWay are typically transient and expected as part of the laser treatment. Patients experience low to no downtime. In some cases, patients may use a topical anesthetic to enhance comfort during the treatment. More common side effects include redness, swelling, pinpoint bleeding, tingling or purplish spots. These effects will differ, however, depending on the treatment you receive.

Are PicoWay treatments painful?

How PicoWay feels will be dependent on the treatment you receive. Those undergoing tattoo removal are likely to experience some pain and discomfort with treatment.

With PicoWay Resolve treatment, most patients reported low levels of pain during treatment for wrinkles and mild to no discomfort for acne scar treatment.

How soon can I expect to see results?

Depending on the condition treated, you may be able to see initial improvement as early as after the first treatment. Typically, multiple treatment sessions are needed. As an example, a clinical study of benign pigmented lesions found that after 2 treatments, 87% of lesions had a least good response (>50% had a good response or better). [PicoWay 510(k) clearance for benign pigmented lesions (K150326)]

With PicoWay Resolve treatment, most patients reported low levels of pain during treatment for wrinkles and mild to no discomfort for acne scar treatment.

Can I return to normal activities after treatment?

Yes, PicoWay has low to no downtime. Most people are able to return to their activities of daily living shortly after treatment. You may need a bandage to keep the treatment area dry for a few days following tattoo removal.

What makes PicoWay different from other treatments?

PicoWay is a picosecond laser with high peak power and ultra-short pulse durations for a photoacoustic, rather than a photothermal effect that heats the skin. PicoWay patients report high patient satisfaction and low to no downtime.